Book Review: The Five C’s of Cinematography – Part 3: Cutting


This very creative sequence of images in the opening credits of Martin Scorcese’s 1976 classic, Taxi Driver, create a sense of tension and atmosphere right from the get go.

We continue our discussion of Joseph Mascelli’s Five C’s of Cinematography, with the focus on cutting. (To begin at the start of the series with Part 1, visit here).



The chase sequence from Nick Park’s Oscar-winning stop-motion animated short, The Wrong Trousers, is a tour-de-force of cutting and directing applied in a comical yet exciting cartoon setting.

When it comes to cutting, animators often feel like they’ve got no real control over the layout and flow of their scenes. True, the final work of any animator is always subject to editing. But so is everyone else’s work. The interesting fact in this art form is that cutting is often planned far ahead in comparison to live action. Due to the immense costs of animated productions, sequences and shots are timed to the frame (but of course, still subject to editing). We don’t shoot eight hours of animation and then decipher it. In fact, the animation artist has, in comparison, actually a lot of control and foreknowledge of the flow between cuts. Therefore, knowledge of cutting/editing is a mandatory prerequisite for all animators.

Mascelli writes:

“The film editor strives to impart visual variety to the picture by skillful shot selection, arrangement and timing. He recreates rather than reproduces the photography to achieve a cumulative effect often greater than all the action in individual scenes put together.”

A thorough knowledge of cutting in continuity such as timing static shots and moving shots, or knowing where dissolves or other camera transitions might play out, can heavily effect how an animator might set up his or her scene.

The finale from Sergio Leone’s The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. This marvelous sequence (beautifully complemented by Ennio Morricone’s timeless music) is one of the greatest displays of camera cutting ever.

On his advice to live action cameramen, Mascelli notes that they should learn from the cutting room, consider which camera angles and movements best portray particular situations, where to insert cut-ins, cut-aways or close-ups, and anticipate when it might be necessary for reaction shots and if, or when, shots might need to be shortened or lengthened.


A selection from the 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic, Psycho. This remarkable scene continues to stand as the most dramatic sequence of images in film history.

Mascelli writes:

“(the cameraman) becomes more proficient (when) he’s thinking editorially before and as he films.”

Think of this when you’re animating any shot. Did you leave enough leeway at the beginning or end of the shot to give the director extra flexibility in the cutting room? Have you placed the characters in positions or in movement that will allow the cuts to read and flow beautifully and seamlessly with surrounding scenes, ensuring good continuity?

A section from one of my favorite animated films, Wes Anderson’s The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Anderson’s preference for centrally-focused, single point perspective forces him to make very precise, direct and interesting camera transitions to create fun and excitement. This very flat, graphic composition style has since become his signature.

I remember doing a shot in one feature film where the director only told me after I had it half-animated it, that the shot was going to be cross-dissolved into another (rather than match-cutting the movement, I needed to end the scene with the character standing still.) Proper direction and clear communication beforehand might’ve not only saved time, but alter my approach to the acting and animation. Still, it’s better late than never, because after the feedback, I understood the intentions behind that directing choice,  thus allowing me to change my approach midstream. Humility and hard work has rescued me on many occasions.

Mascelli concludes his take on cutting, saying:

“A motion picture is conceived in the camera and assembled in the cutting room. (But) the better the conception, the better the assembled picture. A well-scripted motion picture, minutely planned and carefully broken down with a definite editing pattern in mind, will generally cut together with minor, easy-to-solve editorial problems.”

In our next post, we’ll reveal Part 4 of the Five C’s of Cinematography, as we discuss; close-ups.

Book Review: The Five C’s of Cinematography – Part 2: Continuity


Steven Spielberg was a master of the camera. His control of the continuity in his film-making induced excitement and clarity that was rarely witnessed before his arrival.

We continue our discussion of Joseph Mascelli’s Five C’s of Cinematography, with the focus on Part 2: continuity. (To begin at the start of the series with Part 1, visit here).



One of the many excellent diagrams from Joseph Mascelli’s book, the 5 C’s of Cinematography. This one indicating the correct placement and direction of cameras in a three character shot.

Many animation artists don’t spend enough time and thought towards the rhythm and flow of images, and often think of things and scenes as just isolated events, stacked together side by side, one after another. It’s not uncommon to see the work of one animator create a pattern of movement or acting choice that do not coincide with surrounding shots performed by others. Not only should artists try to achieve flow and harmony within their own shots, but those of the entire sequence. They need to know when and where the peaks and values of emotions/actions are, and how their work might fit in.


Screenshots from Pixar’s The incredibles. Directed by Brad Bird, this was one of the first CG-animated features to deploy strong use of camera continuity and cut-aways to create frenetic action with clarity.

On his view on continuity and its importance as related to story telling, Mascelli writes:

Continuity is merely common sense in coordinated action. It requires thinking in sequences – instead of individual shots … Good continuity is expected by the audience. By drawing poor attention to itself, poor continuity detracts from the narrative. Nothing should interfere with the illusion through which the audience becomes involved in the story.”


Another diagram from his chapter on continuity. This one showing how to position the camera for shots thru a window.

On a subject familiar to animators, Mascelli instructs:

“Learn how to analyze and handle cinematic time and space. Recognize differences between controlled and uncontrolled action.”

Steven Spielberg’s 1975 landmark film Jaws scared everyone from entering open water. This excellent sequence shows why. Masterful selection and control of camera angles along with precision continuity create tension, suspense and emotional reaction.

He concludes the chapter on continuity with these words that proclaim the importance of clarity, creativity and carefulness so that we can maintain the suspension of disbelief and enjoy the magic on screen:

“A motion picture is a constantly-changing series of images. Thinking continuously will make thoughtful continuity.”

In our next post, we’ll reveal Part 3 of the Five C’s of Cinematography, as we discuss cutting.